Tutorials and Live Sessions
Maintaining Accessible Content
Learn the most up-to-date best practices and requirements for keeping your website accessible in the content you author and edit.
This session is 1 hour long with an additional 15 minutes for questions and discussion. In this session we cover the following topics:
- Regional guidelines and technical requirements (such as the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)
- Understanding different assistive technology
- Colour and contrast best practices
- Readability and keeping your content understandable
- Alternative text and how to write it
- Creating meaningful link and button text
- Other tips such as how to handle complex images, tables, and captions
How to Write Alternative Text
Alternative text is necessary for many website visitors. Without it, screen reader and other assistive tool users, are excluded from content with images, charts, infographics, and more.
This session is 1 hour long and covers the following topics:
- How alternative text works and when to use it
- Benefits alternative text offers and the disabled communities who require it
- How to write meaningful alternative text
- Techniques for describing images, charts, and other non-text content
- Long descriptions and when to add them
- Representation in alternative text
- The importance of including diversity in image descriptions
Logging in and Password Reset
This video covers the Oasis Web Form. In this video you will learn how to:
- Navigate to the Oasis Login gateway
- Sign in to your Oasis website (and recognize when you are signed in)
- Reset your password
- Remember your credentials to simplify future logins
Text Resource
This video covers the Oasis Text Resource. You will learn how to:
- Add new text resources to a page
- Add new text
- Text formatting
- Moving text resources on the page
- Removing text resources
- Deleting text resources
Text Resource: Alternate Display Styles
This video covers how to display text in different styles*. You will learn how to:
- Adjust text resource configuration to set different types of text styles including:
- Informational or critical text
- Promotional text
- Section headings
- Spacers (adding a space by emptying the text resource)
*Note that the display styles will vary based on your website’s branding and design.
Web Forms
This video covers the Oasis Web Form. In this video you will learn how to:
- Add a new web form resource to the page
- Check web form reports and submissions
- Build form sections for grouping form fields together
- Add or edit web form fields
News, Stories and Articles
This video covers the Oasis News resource. In this video, you will learn how to:
- Add news articles
- Edit news article content
- Delete news articles
- Configure the News resource
Events and Registered Events
This video covers the Oasis Events resource. In this video you will learn how to:
- Add new events
- Allow registration on events
- Add and edit categories, types, and other attributes