Vineland Research and Innovation Centre is an independent, not-for-profit organization, funded in part by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. This uniquely Canadian, results-oriented organization is dedicated to horticulture science and innovation. They deliver innovative products, solutions and services through an integrated and collaborative cross-country network to advance Canada’s research and commercialization agenda.
Vineland has selected Sandbox to work on several separate microsites with a focus on a particular market, initiative or product.
Vineland’s Feeding Diversity program website provides information and recommendations on non-traditional crops adapted to Canadian growing conditions. Sandbox partnered with Vineland to develop a dedicated microsite to provide information on the program.
- Design a website to provide updates on research, resources, and information on the program
- Leverage an easy-to-use CMS with an intuitive publishing experience
- Create a custom “Crops Calculator”
Sandbox used the OASIS CMS to develop a dedicated microsite focused on providing information about Vineland’s Feeding Diversity program. The website focuses on three main crops – Asian Long Eggplant, Indian Round Eggplant and Okra, each with their own dedicated sections. Each section provides access to the latest research, production practices, cost of production, pictures and recent news pertaining the specific crop in the Canadian market. As part of the project, Sandbox also developed the “Crop Calculator”, which allows users to estimate their crop yield and subsequent revenue, based on a variety of variables including acreage, input cost, labour and more.
The Feeding Diversity microsite is a user-centric website that provides succinct, detailed information on promoted crops, considerations for production, where to source seeds, operational costs, and estimated returns on harvests.
We are proud to have worked with Vineland on multiple website projects to showcase a variety of their initiatives.
> Website Design & DevelopmentVineland has used the OASIS CMS for several of their dedicated microsites because of a powerful feature set and a straight forward publishing experience.
> OASIS CMS DevelopmentSandbox built the Crop Calculator for Vineland. Our software developers specialize in creating custom tools to meet our clients' needs.
> Software Development