Circular Innovation Council (CIC) is a charity that offers several programs that support removing waste from our economy. After designing and developing the CIC website, CIC was looking for a microsite that would educate, influence, and celebrate the adoption of circular economy concepts and principles. Sandbox developed the Circular Economy Month website (opens the site in the current window) to meet their needs.

  • Maintain the Circular Innovation Council branding to link the organization and website.
  • Support a robust events calendar to offer information on activities in local communities.
  • Offer a library of resources for businesses, municipalities, and academic institutions.


CIC aimed to have a site that is user-friendly, easy to maintain, scalable for future development, and improve visibility of French content and resources. In March 2023, CIC partnered with Sandbox for their Circular Economy Month site. Sandbox’s discovery process with CIC included stakeholder interviews and recommendations from Sandbox regarding the information architecture, wireframes, and accessibility.


In September 2023, Sandbox launched Circular Economy Month. As to ensure that new users would recognize that the site is a CIC site, Sandbox ensured that CIC’s branding was maintained. Users on the site may now learn about the ways to get involved, learn about which events they may be interested in attending through the events calendar, as well as access the varying resources that are available for businesses, municipalities, and those working within academic institutions. Sandbox continues to maintain our relationship with CIC through our maintenance and support program.

a screenshot of the new CEM website features a large hero banner of an image with two hands planting a sapling. A large orange call to action button sits beneath a image shadow

The Circular Economy Month website is built in the WordPress CMS.

> WordPress Development

The Circular Economy Month website offers bilingual content (in both English and French options.)

> Website Design and Development

The Circular Economy Month Website has a dynamic design to work seamlessly across different types of desktop and mobile devices.

> Auditing and Quality Assurance