Carlton Trail College is one of Saskatchewan’s leading training institutions. The College serves the career, employment, training and educational needs of students, business, industry and communities in east-central Saskatchewan. With offices in Humboldt, Watrous and Wynyard, and classrooms throughout the region, their programs and services create important academic, social and economic advantages for students and employers.

  • Modernize the website through a contemporary design
  • Integrate with the College's course directory to allow students to access and enroll in courses through the website
  • Leverage a user-friendly Content Management System that allows administrators to easily maintain and update the website and course listings


Working with a savvy team at Carlton Trail College, Sandbox Software developed a sophisticated website using the OASIS Content Management System, which allows website administrators to easily manage its large range of content. The College wanted a sophisticated program and course information and registration system, and the new website incorporates a custom-built framework to manage and present critical information and facilitate online sign-up and payment. This course framework also includes a recommendation engine to promote other relevant classes, and a program and course digital application process.


Carlton Trail College has a functionally rich and visually compelling website that is easily navigated and facilitates program finding, registration, and payment. The advanced education website that Sandbox designed and developed for Carlton Trail College has allowed the institution to better connect with users and speed up the course enrollment process. Rather than register for courses in person, potential students can use the website to browse courses and pay for them online. The website also offers long term benefits to students as it helps them find courses relevant to their interests, which in turn allows them to fully leverage their talents and achieve success later on in their careers.

Carlton Trail College Homepage image shadow

"People love it! The website is definitely something we can be proud of!"

— Val Koroluk, Carlton Trail College

The new Carlton Trail College website leverages the OASIS Content Management System. This easy-to-use CMS allows website administrators to effectively maintain the website through live editing, and dozens of out-of-the-box modules that can be dragged and dropped onto any page for the desired functionality.

> OASIS Content Management System

Sandbox Software's developers used their custom coding capabilities to enable the new website to integrate directly with the College's Course and Calendar Directory.

> Website Design & Development